• Resolved artrandom


    The latest Wordfence update has caused two of my sites to go down.
    There is something wrong.

    Please for goodness sake get this sorted out.

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  • Thread Starter artrandom


    Am now having to restore my entire plugins folder via FTP which will take hours.
    I managed that with the first site today.

    Please will someone confirm from Wordfence when the latest Wordfence update is safe to use?

    I am going to deactivate updates and automatic updates until they post something about this or reply to my Support Ticket.

    Had been quite happy with them previously but am not impressed with this experience at all: paying for licenses on a product that ruins my site and wastes hours of time.
    There is no other explanation other than the fault is with their update. Nothing else was changed on either site that could have caused this problem.

    Plugin Support wfphil


    Hi @artrandom

    Sorry to hear that you are having a problem.

    We have over 3 million active users and we are not seeing wide scale reports of fatal errors due to an update to Wordfence version 7.4.11 so this appears to be an isolated issue.

    We also carry out very rigorous quality assurance testing of new versions on multiple server environments.

    As you are a premium license customer please open a support ticket here https://support.wordfence.com

    Thread Starter artrandom


    Thank you for your kind reply.
    I appreciate the quick response.

    This must be a problem with my particular set up.
    And I am relieved to hear that there are not larger numbers of other users with similar problems.

    I have already opened a support ticket, but thank you for the link.
    So I look forward to speedy resolution as soon as possible.

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