• Resolved Oaz



    i have been using your plugin in a website for a while, but last update just suppressed many blocks settings. I have to go over dozens of them again, in all the posts, that’s hours and hours of work..

    Struggling with posts grid blocks just now, they lost all their settings, and then I cannot change title colors anymore, they’re white and that’s it..

    Buttons have lost their padding, got to go over ALL of them, hundreds of them…

    Frankly I do not have time to build this website again…may you please give the possiblity of a rollback ? Thanks

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  • Hi Oaz, join the club…
    It’s a disaster.

    I’m waiting for a response. Is version 2.0.2 it? Or are we going to see a version that properly migrates prior settings.

    If this is it, we need to rebuild entire sites.

    Thread Starter Oaz


    Hello avz.
    Well I just restored the web site to the 16th of august, too much is too much..

    Will have to do until they issue a solution, or I’ll just have to drop this plugin and spend weekends building again..Arf !

    can confirm, update broke a ton of block-settings. Fullwidth columns don’t center content anymore, paddings/margins are gone, … problems only seem to appear when I edit a page and save it again.

    Thread Starter Oaz


    I Rolled back and asked to enter their group on Facebook, I suppose there are hundreds of us in this messy situation..
    Now, this is their new plugin, they will not drop it anyway, so I am afraid a load od work is awaiting us to fix the mess

    Oaz, this document will tell how to roll back to a previous version.


    Choose version 1.25.6 and you will be back to the orginal UAG plugin.

    Then go to your plugin settings and make sure that this plugin is not set to autoupdate.

    This did work for me but I hadn’t changed any of the new Spectra options, in an attempt to get it working.

    For me, with multiple hobby/charity websites, UAG is perfect and I do not need the hassle of trying to get my head around the multiple options in Spectra that I would, like you, have to change in an attempt to get it working.

    Thread Starter Oaz


    yes, I did this too, but then this is temporary, cannot keep an outdated plugin for very long..
    from what I read in the FB group, they say there is no problem at all with previous versions, so do not hope they will fix the issues….:(

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by Oaz.

    Some blocks are marked as depricated in spectra settings. This sucks since I heavily use advanced columns on lots of different websites and this would mean I have to change it manually i guess?

    Making major changes like this without regards to backwards compatibility makes me really think about dropping astra and spectra all together for future projects.

    Thread Starter Oaz


    In the FB group, they are asking to do this

    I did, and that fixed some issues, but not most of them…

    Plugin Support sujaypawar


    Hey guys,

    We’re sad that this update has caused you issues. Our team worked hard, tried its best to make it a smooth transition from prior versions to 2.0, and ran an extensive public beta testing program for several weeks. However, it seems we could not test all these possibilities. We’re so sorry for the trouble.

    I will try to answer some of the concerns you have raised below:

    # Posts grid blocks lost all their settings, and I cannot change title colors anymore.
    # Buttons have lost their padding
    # Full-width columns don’t center content anymore; padding/margins are gone

    The problem you’re describing is not yet on our list of “known issues.” We would like to fix it if you could help us reproduce it ASAP.

    # Some blocks are marked as deprecated in spectra settings

    = Yes, we decided to deprecate a few blocks as we have introduced newer and better alternatives. But it does not mean they will not work or have issues. It just means they won’t be available to new users.

    Could you kindly get in touch with us via our helpdesk? This will allow our developers to look closely and find a solution for you.

    Please fill in this form: https://wpspectra.com/support/open-a-ticket/

    Plugin Support Rajkiran Bagal


    Hello @oaz ,

    We’re sad that this update has caused you issues. Our team worked hard and tried its best to make it a smooth transition from prior versions to 2.0 and ran an extensive public beta testing program for several weeks. However, it seems we could not test all these possibilities. We’re so sorry for the trouble.

    Can you please describe the problem you’re facing?

    Or, Could you kindly get in touch with us via our helpdesk? This will allow our developers to take a closer look and find a solution for you.

    Please fill in this form: https://wpspectra.com/support/open-a-ticket/

    Looking forward to hearing from you.

    ok, so for anyone having troubles with the advanced columns. You will have to convert it to a “container”-block. Fortunately most settings (backgrounds, shape dividers, spacing, etc.) seem to be converted too.

    The “copy settings” feature helps if you have multiple blocks that look the same and need to be converted. Still a real pain for multiple pages/blocks … but at least it seems to be working alright.

    Was there any sort of info-mail about those changes that I missed?

    Plugin Support Rajkiran Bagal


    Also, @zaphodbeeblebrox01

    It seems you mentioned an issue with Columns Blocks that they do not center anymore & the padding & margin settings were gone after updating the page, We tried this case for the backward users as well as a new block but we are not able to replicate it.

    Can you please help us to replicate the issue by describing about it some more here, We will be happy to provide a solution to you.

    Also, We have deprecated some blocks but those blocks will be backward compatible & will be available for our old users & will work as it is.

    By deprecated we mean that we will not add any new improvements in those blocks.

    Looking forward to hearing from you.

    Thanks for the update.
    Problems appear on multiple different pages as soon as I update from UAG latest to Spectra …

    I will contact support for further assistance.

    Thread Starter Oaz


    Thanks for your answer.
    well opening a ticket will not help all people strugling with the same issues, why not here ?

    How can I help you reproduce the problems ? send you a clone of the website before update, then you update and you’ll see ?

    Is this version it? Or do you guys work on an update to migrate prior settings properly?

    If this is it, I need to know. I’ve asked this question multiple times now.

    Btw, we paid for Astra. 600 dollars…
    But support is lacking (for obvious reasons).

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