• Resolved nikko73


    Thanks for the nice plugin. The other plugin (Doneren met Mollie) have a field for prices, where the user can add the price. How I can do it in this plugin?
    Where I can set the language switch for the following mollieform, which call this script? (Because the form from SOFORT is in english – all other forms are german language. And I need german for SOFORT also 🙂 )

    Thanks nikko73

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by nikko73.
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  • Plugin Author Nick



    The open amount will be added in another update. The language is the same as the WordPress language, but not yet translated in German.

    Thread Starter nikko73


    Many thanks for the fast answer. Do you know, when it (open amount) will be installed? (days, weeks, month?) Thanks!

    Inderdaad een goede goede plugin. Ik heb dezelfde vraag als nikko73, wanneer verwacht je het open invulveld gereed te hebben? 5 sterren als het gelukt is!

    Plugin Author Nick



    The option is added. You can select “open” at the price options, so the customer can fill in an amount.

    This is a great option and actually something I was looking for.

    If possible I would like to request an additional feature here. It would be great if we could prefill this from a simple GET variable. That may sound silly for us tech savy people but we’re using it for a business where most of the business is done by Email and sending a link to the customer to the payment form with the amount preopulated would be great.

    As mollie doesn’t have own forms your plugin is highly appreciated and having that additional option would just be great.


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