• Hi

    I’d like to have a label on the product image for certain products through the homepage, product page and the related products section at the bottom of the product section.

    I have a label active, but it doesn’t show

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author ILLID


    Sorry for the long response.
    Please try to modify code snippet above and use this one instead:

    add_filter( 'awl_labels_hooks', 'my_awl_labels_hooks', 999 );
    function my_awl_labels_hooks( $hooks ) {
        if ( is_singular( 'product' ) ) {
            return $hooks;
        unset( $hooks['on_image']['single']['wpgs_before_image_gallery'] );
        if ( class_exists( 'Twist' ) ) {
            $hooks['on_image']['single']['wpgs_end_of_gallery_items'] = array( 'priority' => 10 );
        return $hooks;
    Thread Starter freddyee


    this new snippet doesn’t work, it shows this issues:

    https://snipboard.io/efPjv1.jpg and the label on the main product image of the product page does not appear

    Thread Starter freddyee


    did you manage to solve this issue ?

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