• Hi

    I’d like to have a label on the product image for certain products through the homepage, product page and the related products section at the bottom of the product section.

    I have a label active, but it doesn’t show

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author ILLID



    So you want to show the labels only for certain products.
    Please show me a screenshot of your label display conditions that you set via admin panel.


    Thread Starter freddyee


    these are the conditions :

    Right now these labels only appear on the recomended product section of the product pages at the bottom, but with this problem https://snipboard.io/efPjv1.jpg (see label circled in black ), could you help me on how to fix that ?

    Id like to have these labels also in the homepage and product page for the product.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by freddyee.
    Thread Starter freddyee


    any help with this problems,please ?

    Plugin Author ILLID



    One more question – do you change Hooks option in the plugin settings page?

    Also – please tell me how you build those product grids? Are you using any page builder plugins for this?


    Thread Starter freddyee


    I’ve not been using the hook option in the plugin.

    On the homepage I use 2 widgets from the Unlimited Elements for elementor plugin: woocommerce product carousel and woocommerce product grid.

    also, how about these labels that appear on the recomended product section of the product pages at the bottom, they have this problem https://snipboard.io/efPjv1.jpg (see label circled in black ), how to fix that ?

    Thread Starter freddyee


    did you manage to discover how to solve this ?

    Plugin Author ILLID


    Sorry for the long response.

    Yes, I found that it is a compatibility issue with Unlimited Elements for elementor plugin. I already found that to fix this issue and add all necessary changes in the next plugin release.


    Thread Starter freddyee


    what about this problem like on this page url ?
    I circled the issue in blue

    Plugin Author ILLID


    I see that you are using the kadence theme. Please tell me – are you using Elementor to customize a product single page – things like product gallery, etc. Or maybe your theme has some customization options?


    Thread Starter freddyee


    No, I don’t use elementor to customize the product page, I just have the WooCommerce Product Recommendations plugin on the product page, everything else is from woocommerce.

    Plugin Author ILLID


    Sorry for the long response.

    Correct me if I am wrong but looks like you are using ‘Product Gallery Slider for Woocommerce ( Formerly Twist )’ plugin for your shop and it can be a reason for this label problem.

    Anyway please try the following code snippet:

    add_filter( 'awl_labels_hooks', 'my_awl_labels_hooks', 999 );
    function my_awl_labels_hooks( $hooks ) {
        unset( $hooks['on_image']['single']['wpgs_before_image_gallery'] );
        if ( class_exists( 'Twist' ) ) {
            $hooks['on_image']['single']['wpgs_end_of_gallery_items'] = array( 'priority' => 10 );
        return $hooks;
    Thread Starter freddyee


    yes, I use that plugin: Product Gallery Slider for Woocommerce ( Formerly Twist )

    thanks, that seems to solve the problem

    Why doesn’t the label appear on the main photo of a product in its product page ?

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by freddyee.
    Plugin Author ILLID


    You mean that after adding code snippet above you don’t see a label for main product page?

    Thread Starter freddyee


    yes, it’s not steady, you can check that on url from above.

    Thread Starter freddyee


    did you manage to discover how to solve that ?

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