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  • Plugin Author ILLID



    Yes. You can use the label display condition option to show it only for products with specific shipping class.


    Thread Starter asif123md


    Hi, Thanks for the reply. Does this feature available in Free version or only in Pro Version? If it is only in Pro version is there any discount/offer that we can get as pricing seems expensive. Thanks

    Plugin Author ILLID


    This option available for both free and pro plugin versions.


    Thread Starter asif123md


    Hi Thanks for the update and yes we can see there is a condition by shipping class and we have set that, working fine in shop/category page but label is not showing home page and single product, could you please look into this? Thanks

    Plugin Author ILLID


    Please tell me – do you see this issue only when setting up shipping conditions or it exists no matter what display condition logic you are using?


    Thread Starter asif123md


    Hello Dear, Thanks for your reply. Now it is appearing in all pages but i think the changes effect do implement after some time not at the same time. bcz whatever we do changes we do not see the result instantly but after few hours it implement. Can you correct me if we have outlined this issue wrong?

    Plugin Author ILLID


    Please tell me – are you using any caching plugins? If so – then you probably need to clear the cache after you made any changes with labels.

    Thread Starter asif123md


    Hi, Yes we are using a plugin of cache. but now we tried one change with clearing the cache as well but again changes in front end appear after long time. the issue is not very challenging and not effecting anything but it should be fixed. Thanks

    Thread Starter asif123md


    Hi again, we just noticed the labels are overlapping in mobile. is there any setting of responsiveness? the text overlapping with other product label.

    Plugin Author ILLID


    Can you please share with me a screenshot of how these labels are displayed on mobile?

    Thread Starter asif123md


    Hi Dear plz find the below url of the images. in mobile phone the WC default sale label is also overlapping to this plugin label. in laptop all its fine.

    Plugin Author ILLID


    Thanks for your screenshots.

    So if we are speaking about your first screenshot – please tell me how you want to display these labels on mobile? I see several labels here with absolute css position. One of the quick solutions here is to hide that default WC labels and use AWL plugin labels instead. In this case it will prevent overlapping problem.


    Thread Starter asif123md


    Hi Dear, the label from AWL in the mobile view it can be wrap text. or better if there is option for small text in mobile view so it can get covered in same line. bcz if we do small size so in laptop it appear very small.

    regarding WC label, is there any option in your plugin to give some space in between? bcz WC default label overlapping on AWL label.

    Plugin Author ILLID


    You can make label text on mobile devices smaller by using the following global css:

    @media(max-width: 700px) {
        .advanced-woo-labels .awl-product-label {
            font-size: 70%;
    Thread Starter asif123md


    Hi, Sorry, I am not developer so I do not know where to set this code. could you please let me know where I have to paste this snip.

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