• I use Kubio Editor and Kubio Theme for this Website.
    For the “Home” Site i use the “Standart-Template” and i face the issue that on Mobile Screens the Page dosnt aglin correctly with the device size. It’s possible to zoom out and also the menu opens in a wired stage where you can’t see all of it.

    Only happens on the “Home” page with the “Standart-Template.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support crisanbogdan


    Hello @snoeebi,

    Thank you for reaching out to us with your concern.

    Could you perform the following steps for me and let me know if they resolve the issue, please:

    • disable all your plugins except Kubio by going to your WP Admin > Plugins > All Plugins
    • clear your Cache memory
    • make sure our plugin is up to date

    Once you’ve performed the steps above please try again and let me know if this resolved the issue. If it doesn’t fix the problem be sure to reply to my email to let me know, and also provide me with a link to your website.

    If there’s anything else we can assist with be sure to reply to my email.

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