• All of the sudden we discovered that the styling and content of our emails is not correct anymore, it’s the default Woocommerce styling though we designed them with Kadence. Which worked fine for over a year. But now suddenly it doesn’t. We found out that the change happened somewhere between August 23 and September 21… What can I do to get my old styling back? I do have a back up of my theme and my plugins from july. But can’t seem to find what files I should transfer to get everything back.

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  • Plugin Support Gilbert Hernandez


    Hello @vdnmanuel

    Are you saying the styles in the customizer do not apply to the emails? When you open the email customizer, do you see the correct styles in the preview? Or are you saying the styles in the customizer reverted to the original settings?

    Thread Starter vdnmanuel


    Hi Gilbert,

    Nope, in the preview it’s also the wrong styles. So, I think the customizer indeed reverted to the default setting…

    Here’s a link to an old mail and how we styled it and which was good: https://kpot.be/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/image001.png

    Here’s how it looks right now (seems like the default style, but some changes like the orange color are correct though): https://kpot.be/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/image002.png

    Plugin Support Gilbert Hernandez


    Hello @vdnmanuel

    I apologize, but I can’t reproduce the problem on a test site. You said it seems like the Customizer reverted to the default settings? Did you add any plugins that may affect Woo Commerce? Are you using the Kadence theme too, or a different theme? The email customizer does let you export and import settings. If you saved a copy of the settings, you can import them in the email customizer. When you update the customizer settings, does the email update at least? Is the problem that the settings reset some how? Can you make updates in the email customizer that update the emails going forward?

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