• Resolved baz74


    In Jetpack>>Writing: We have “Display images in a full-screen carousel gallery” switched on.

    The WP Gallery IS being automatically converted by Jetpack into a carousel. And when the user selects one of the images … a popup full size ‘lightbox’images displays. But the left & right arrows & X(close) button do not function. The screen is effectively frozen.
    Pressing refresh does not work – you just return to the same frozen screen.

    However, pressing the browser’s BACK button – DOES start the lightbox working and the thumbnail images now show at the bottom of the screen (they didn’t before).

    Is there a cure?

    The site uses a std. Twenty Twenty Seventeen theme and latest WP version.

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  • Thread Starter baz74


    I noticed that a new version of Jetpack was available, so updated to 13.4.3

    The Gallery of image thumbnail is displayed as a grid, but the captions do not display.

    When you click on an Image –

    a) the image appears in the Lightbox with its caption center-bottom and now the left & right arrow do work. But it’s static, no thumbnails, and the left-right arrows are small.

    When you click on the X(close) –
    b) it switched to carousel mode and displays the thumbnails center-bottom, and the thumbnail on-off icons at center-right., and the auto-scroll icon at top-left [so small & out of eye-line that most visitors will never notice it], and the left-right arrows are much larger and animate on approach.

    What causes state b) ? Is it intended?

    • This reply was modified 1 month ago by baz74.
    Thread Starter baz74


    Is there a demo of how the lightbox should work, or can someone point me to an live example please.

    Plugin Support Joseph B. (a11n)


    Hi @baz74,

    Regarding the issue with the WordPress Gallery block converting to a Jetpack-powered carousel, I was not able to replicate that on my test site with Jetpack version 13.5 installed.

    As for a demo of how our lightboxs should work, any website using Jetpack’s Tiled Gallery and Slideshow block can refer to our documentation below:

    That said, could you please post your site URL and the post/page in question so that we can have a deeper look at the issue?

    If you want it to remain private, you can also contact us via contact form. If you choose to reach out directly, please include a link to this thread.

    Thank you!

    Thread Starter baz74


    Thank you for the information.

    This is on our test/staging site: https://guildfordarts.org/gajim1/?ga_artists=_another-test-by-barry-about-file-uploading-why-some-jpgs-are-ok-some-not

    Immediately below the Feature image is/was a shortcode “[Gallery]” – this is now temp. removed.
    Then is the shortcode in question – “[Gallery columns=”4″]
    Then are test-attempts with other plugins.
    Lastly the 4 attached images are laid out individually side-by-side.

    I have tried with any custom CSS removed. And I have tried with as many plugins removed as possible.
    But as it is a ‘Custom Post’ some were needed to provide functionality.

    Your help is appreciated.

    • This reply was modified 1 month ago by baz74.
    Plugin Support Joseph B. (a11n)


    Hello @baz74,

    Thanks for replying, sharing your site URL, and sharing more about the Jetpack feature you were referring to.

    Therefore, in light of the new info and to address your earlier question about a demo for Jetpack’s Carousel feature, you can find it here: https://jetpack.com/support/carousel.

    That said, I see in the background that your site’s Jetpack version is well behind the latest release. I see the outdated version 12.6.2 installed on your site guildfordarts.org .

    Before we do any troubleshooting with this issue, please update Jetpack to the latest version 13.5 for optimal functionality.

    If you notice the same issues once the plugin has been updated, please get back to us so that we can have a look.

    Thread Starter baz74


    Thanks @tamirat22,

    When I look at the demo carousel at https://jetpack.com/support/carousel – it requires intervention to change slides. When I click X, it closes and returns to the main page.

    The staging/test site is at latest version https://guildfordarts.org/gajim1/?ga_artists=_another-test-by-barry-about-file-uploading-why-some-jpgs-are-ok-some-not. When I view the carousel here – it displays same as above, and when I click X, instead of closing, it changes to an automatic slide with thumbnails at the bottom of the page.

    Plugin Support Gaurav (a11n)


    Hi @baz74,

    Thanks for getting back to us! I checked the Another Test by Barry page and could see the issue you mention happening when clicking the X on Jetpack Carousel.

    The issue is happening because you have multiple Carousel plugins installed on the website. The automatic slide with thumbnails at the bottom slider is coming from the Gallery Lightbox plugin.

    To debug the issue further please disable all plugins on the test website, keeping only Jetpack active -> check the Carousel’s functionality.

    Let us know what you find out.

    Thread Starter baz74


    Thank you for finding the cause. I will get someone here to investigate.

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