• lnvndrhydn


    I just migrated a website to production and jetpack is now breaking my homepage. Everything else works fine, but the home page doesn’t load the WordPress admin bar or any page content. The only thing that displays is the page menu/nav. If I deactivate jetpack I get the content and admin back.

    If I change the static homepage to another page on my site and then that is the one that is broken.

    I have tried deactivating, reactivating, deleting in WordPress and reinstalling and also deleting via FTP then reinstalling. Nothing works.

    Please somebody help.

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  • Plugin Contributor Ryan C.


    Could you post your site URL here, so I can have a look?

    If you want it to remain private, you can contact us using the form here:

    Please make sure to include a link to this thread in your message. Thanks!

    Thread Starter lnvndrhydn


    Ryan, thanks for your response. Unfortunately the site is live and I am forced to deactivate jetpack just to have a functioning site. So, providing you the link (which is this: http://cafemanna.com/) is not likely to help at the moment.

    It worked in my development area as well, so I guess the only thing I might do is try to duplicate the problem in development? Do you have any recommendations? Everything worked fine until after I migrated the site and then updated the plugin. It actually worked fine up until the plugin update.

    I’m just wondering what could cause it to stop the wordpress admin and content to not display on the front end.

    Plugin Contributor Ryan C.


    Thanks for the link! I’m afraid it’s tough to troubleshoot without being able to see the issue at hand. If you’re able to reproduce the issue on your staging site, that may help us determine the problem, though.

    One thing to check is whether any other plugins on your site may have a conflict. Please check our Known Issues list here:

    You can also try to deactivate all plugins on your site, and see if that resolves the issue. If it does, then activate them one at a time to determine which is causing the conflict.

    If that doesn’t help, you can rule out a theme conflict by temporarily changing your site’s theme to a default theme (such as Twenty Sixteen) and trying again.

    Please let me know how the above sounds to you, and we can go from there!

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