• Resolved sixteenramos


    I’m seeing this error when I try to manually load critical CSS. Please help:

    Failed to generate Critical CSS

    An unexpected error has occurred. As this error may be temporary, please try and refresh the Critical CSS.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • sachinchauhan099


    Getting the above error and not able to generate Customer CSS manually



    I’ve been getting the same.

    When I click “See error message” it comes up with:

    I’m a teapot



    I have the same problem as well as I received this message when manually generate critical css for my site:

    CSS Failed to generate Critical CSS

    An unexpected error has occurred. As this error may be temporary, please try and refresh the Critical CSS.



    I am also experiencing this issue. When I click on the See Error Message I get the following:

    Failed to fetch cross-domain content at ………

    And it is a different page of my website each time.

    Plugin Support Alin (a11n)


    Hello @sixteenramos,

    Thanks for reaching out! Since you’re on a paid plan, you have access to our email support. For quicker and more personalized assistance, please drop us a line through the contact form found here.

    Hey there @sachinchauhan099, @hermitband, @ivie, and @tybrai,

    Thanks for chiming in. Even though your issues may seem related, the cause can be different, so we’ll need to tackle them separately to ensure we don’t miss anything. Could each of you please start a separate thread for your issue here? It’ll help us give you the detailed and personalized support you need, following the forum guidelines.

    Thanks for your understanding!

    I’m getting the same error on my website when trying to generate the css: clicking the link within the error message goes to https://jimbyrne.co.uk/?jb-generate-critical-css=1712776288654 – which isn’t my home page, i.e., my home page is https://jimbyrne.co.uk. How can I get this fixed? Thanks, Jim

    Plugin Support Alin (a11n)


    Hi @jimbyrnescotland,

    As mentioned previously, to ensure each issue receives the detailed and personalized support it requires and per the forum guidelines, we ask users to start separate threads for their specific problems.

    Could you please create a new thread here to discuss the CSS generation error on your site? This approach will help us provide you with the most effective support.

    @sixteenramos as we’re discussing this with you via email, I will mark this thread as resolved. To the other users mentioned earlier, please start your own thread if you haven’t done so yet. We are ready to assist each of you with personalized support as soon as you post your issues.

    Thank you all for your understanding and cooperation!

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