• This plugin does everything it promises. However, without a CAPTCHA setting it attracts all sorts of SpamBots. I understand that the creators want to make money, but this is THE one feature that should not be a paid option.

    Once a week I have to erase dozens and dozens of Spambot messages. I just let them collect and then replace them all once a week. Still it’s a pain in the neck.

    I had a brief exchange of emails with the developer but I found him obnoxious and condescending.

    • This topic was modified 10 months ago by accucomm.
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  • Plugin Author Cristian Raiber


    Thanks for taking the time to leave a review here. If we made every single feature free (spoiler alert: everyone complaining about what features are paid) as all users want … we would not be able to afford to pay development salaries and maintain this product.

    I’m sorry that the $49/year pricing plan (you can also get 15% off if you trigger the exit intent) is too much to ask to support this product.

    I totally get that you’re not looking to spend any money and I really hope you’ll land with a better, more suitable product that’s right for you.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this.


    Thread Starter accucomm


    Hi Christian:

    It’s not that I can’t pay the $50, so don’t try to paint me as a cheapskate. But this morning alone I received over 20 “testimonials” that were nothing but Spambot hits.
    That makes the CAPTCHA feature essential for your plugin to be any good. Otherwise, it’s “crippleware”.

    • This reply was modified 10 months, 1 week ago by accucomm.
    Plugin Author Cristian Raiber


    A problem that could have been easily fixed by upgrading to a paid license 🙂

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