• Resolved musicatwill


    In the Admin for woocommerce under reports then under Sales by product. The reporting is not correct, it is not giving me true number of sales for products. Example if a product was in a order with 10 other products it for some reason gives each of those products 10 sales. The amount of money is correct just the how many items sold is not. The site is a multi vendor site with wc vendors. Is there a way to correct that?

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  • Plugin Support Thu P. a11n


    Hi there,

    Example if a product was in a order with 10 other products it for some reason gives each of those products 10 sales.

    This doesn’t sound like the correct behavior, and it seems there has been a conflict on your site that prevents the items to be calculated correctly.I’d suggest a conflict test to identify the culprit here, see below for more information on this.

    The best way to determine if the issue is being caused by a theme and/or plugin is to temporarily switch your theme to Storefront (https://woocommerce.com/products/storefront/?aff=10486&cid=1131038) and disable all plugins except for WooCommerce. Finally, test to see if the issue is resolved by

    To figure out which plugin is causing the problem, continue to the next step – reactivate your other plugins one by one, testing after each, until you find the one causing conflict.

    Here’s a more extensive explanation in our docs: https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/how-to-test-for-conflicts/


    Tools to help you troubleshoot:

    Meks Quick Plugin Disabler is a plugin you can install which will remember what plugins you currently have active so it’s easy to switch them back on. Link: https://wordpress.org/plugins/meks-quick-plugin-disabler/

    You can clone your site to a staging environment and perform tests without modifying your live site or impacting customers. Many hosts provide staging facilities, so it’s worth checking in with them. It’s also possible to do it using the free WP Staging plugin. Link: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-staging/

    Thread Starter musicatwill


    Update – I found that the reporting is not adding sales from a order with multiple other items. What’s happening is orders that are marked Pending payment are being logged as sales in woocommerce reports – Sales by Product. In the Dashboard – WooCommerce Status – has the correct info for the top seller this month. Is there a way to fix the reports so it only logs completed sales.

    Plugin Support Thu P. a11n


    Hi there,

    Thanks for getting back to us.

    What’s happening is orders that are marked Pending payment are being logged as sales in woocommerce reports – Sales by Product.

    By default, orders marked Processing, On Hold and Completed are counted as sales. Thus, Pending payment orders shouldn’t be shown in WooCommerce Reports under Orders. Could you double-check if it’s really the Pending payment order is being logged?

    Thread Starter musicatwill


    I just tested it again by making an order clicking Proceed to PayPal then went back to the site without paying. Order is mark as Pending Payment and has given that item a sale in the reports. I asked my web-developers about fixing it and they said they can’t change that part of woocommerce. It’s weird because on the Dashboard – WooCommerce Status it shows the Top Selling Item and the sales are always correct for that item. Is there a way to fix this? Does it have to do with settings on PayPal?

    Plugin Support Shaun Kuschel a11n


    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    Hey @musicatwill,

    This is actually the expected behavior for orders that are “Pending Payment”. Inventory is reduced, to allow that customer the ability to complete the payment, but if you mark that order as “Cancelled”, it should remove it from reporting (and return stock).

    Thread Starter musicatwill


    Just tested it and changing order to cancelled does not remove the sale from the reporting. And other users have stated that Pending Payment should not show up under reporting. Pending Payment happens a lot for a verity of reasons and should not reduce inventory or show up as sales. Does anyone know how to fix this?

    Plugin Support Shaun Kuschel a11n


    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    @musicatwill – Are you using the WooCommerce Admin plugin? Or just core WooCommerce for this reporting?

    We haven’t heard back from you in a while, so I’m going to mark this as resolved. Feel free to start a new thread if you have any further questions!

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