• devgirl


    The plugin works, but it adds the functionality all over the backend in the most crazy places that I can’t control whether I want it to show up or not. As the backend of my Worpdress websites are designed for my clients, who usually know nothing about web design, I need to keep the backend as uncomplicated and easy to use as possible. As a result, I have stopped using this plugin and have found a much neater way to do it with custom fields.

    Let me know if you ever come up with a way to control visibility of this plugin through the website backend.

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  • Plugin Author Konstantin Obenland


    There are two ways to control that:

    1. Since it’s a meta box, you can disable it in “Screen Options” at the top right of your edit screen.
    2. Programmatically, you can remove the filters that add those meta boxes in the first place.


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