• Resolved prizmat



    we are currently facing issues after migrating our wordpress with WPS Hide Login activated. I managed to activate the plugin, however if i go to settings > WPS Hide Login and enter the Login-URL, then visit that url, i get a 404 not found. I tried refreshing the permalinks, didnt fix it 🙁

    I checked the .htaccess and there aren’t any entries from WPS Hide Login, if there should be any.
    Any help is greatly appreciated!

    EDIT: I just reinstalled the plugin completely – didnt fix it either

    • This topic was modified 2 months, 1 week ago by prizmat.
Viewing 6 replies - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)
  • Plugin Support MaximeWPS



    Thanks for using WPS Hide Login.

    Which tool did you use to migrate you website ?

    Did you empty all caches ? Did you do every SRDB ?

    Are login and wp-admin pages excluded from cache ?

    Is whl_page option in wp_options database table right here ?

    Thread Starter prizmat


    Hi Maxime,

    i used Duplicator.

    I assume i didnt empty the caches and i am not sure what you mean by SRDB.

    I dont know if they are excluded to be honest.

    Yes, the whl_page exists in the db and has the correct value.


    Plugin Support MaximeWPS


    SRDB –> URL replacements from the original website to the migrated website.

    For the cache, please install a cache plugin and exclude those pages from it.

    Thread Starter prizmat


    isnt that stored in the database though?

    i have W3TC here (i am not the one who built the old wp site and have little to no experience with wordpress)

    Plugin Support MaximeWPS


    No, you can exclude pages from cache in W3TC settings.

    Thread Starter prizmat


    Hi Maxime,

    yes, i found that out. However I had to disable WPS HL now, since it made the entire site except from the main page unaccessible.

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