• Resolved yukizha22


    I installed wordpress in local host and run the plugin to show the time of delivery. I am using the following shortcode on the page where I want to show and hide the content.

    [time-restrict-repeat type=”daily” ontime=”00:00:00″ offtime=”12:00:00″] [time-restrict-repeat-2 type=”weekly” onday=”Monday” offday=” Saturday”] SAME DAY 1400- 1730

    [time-restrict-repeat type=”daily” ontime=”12:01:00″ offtime=”16:30:00″]
    [time-restrict-repeat-2 type=”weekly” onday=”Monday” offday=”Saturday”]
    SAME DAY 1800- 2200

    but the time doesn’t change. and only show *EARLIEST DELIVERY: SAME DAY 1400- 1730
    i’m using wordpress 4.8.3 .

    Please I need help and suggestion.


    • This topic was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by yukizha22.
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  • Plugin Author Dave Clements


    Your shortcodes don’t cover all time periods. Were you perhaps trying to look at the content after 16:30? Also, your logic isn’t quite correct. For example, the ontime for the second shortcode should be 12:00:01, not 12:01:00 (this will mean that nothing shows up between 12:00:01 and 12:00:59). Also make sure that you are using true quotes, not curly quotes.

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