• Resolved dydimus89


    In the store we got some product thta are variable and have other perchantage of tax rate, we have already set up the %tax rate put it’s look like it’s not beign applied to the product

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support anastas10s (woo-hc)


    Hi @dydimus89

    Thank you for reaching out — we’re happy to help!

    In the store we got some product thta are variable and have other perchantage of tax rate, we have already set up the %tax rate put it’s look like it’s not beign applied to the product

    Could you please share more details on how the % tax rate has been set up for variable products, like the one linked here, and how you need prices to be displayed in the front end?

    For further details, feel free to peruse the official documentation on setting up taxes, and some specific tax setups.

    Best to provide us with screenshots, also, so that we can see what you are describing.

    If you don’t already have a screenshot service installed, https://snipboard.io is a good option – for uploading it there, and sharing the link here afterward.
    There is also a walkthrough guide here: https://en.support.wordpress.com/make-a-screenshot/

    We look forward to your response. In the meantime, please let us know if you have any further questions or concerns.

    • This reply was modified 1 month ago by anastas10s (woo-hc). Reason: added links to official documentation
    Thread Starter dydimus89


    yea sure it worked in the end this morning not anymore
    this is our tax setting

    worked well until yesterday, this morning in our craft don’t show tax amount anymore


    for the tax setting are like in the screenshot here in Italy in food we got 22% 10% 5% 4% on different item, in the specific there is 10%

    • This reply was modified 4 weeks ago by dydimus89.
    Plugin Support RK a11n


    Thanks for sharing those screenshots; From what I can see so far – everything seems to be working as expected.

    In the tax settings, it’s set to calculate taxes based on shipping address of the customer. Now, when looking at the cart page screenshot, it seems to indicate that no shipping address has been added for that logged-in customer which, in turn, means that no taxes can be calculated. Put another way, the customer needs to add a shipping address before a tax calculation can be triggered.

    If taxes need to be charged in your country regardless of where the customer is based, you could consider charging taxes based on the business address instead.

    Hope it helps!

    Thread Starter dydimus89


    already done, dont change anything

    yesterday the cart worked well, we made a test and worked

    the result was
    price then
    (of which “Amount” of tax)

    today look like working anymore,.

    switched back with address of the shop

    no change https://snipboard.io/v7P2MQ.jpg

    • This reply was modified 4 weeks ago by dydimus89.
    Plugin Support carolm29 (woo-hc)


    Hey, @dydimus89!

    To confirm, this was working correctly before, and then it stopped, correct?

    Have you made any changes to the website recently? This could be adding or removing plugins or custom code, updating the theme or plugins, etc.

    Do you mind sharing screenshots of the product data on the backend with the different taxes applied to them so we can try to replicate the issue on our end?

    Looking forward to your reply.

    Have a wonderful day!

    Thread Starter dydimus89


    no i didnt change anything or added anything new,, the only change was a woocommerce update,

    yeah no problem i will send the screnshot

    product https://snipboard.io/6hxLot.jpg

    specific product setting https://snipboard.io/W5Bwyj.jpg

    https://snipboard.io/5X1W3S.jpg https://snipboard.io/5X1W3S.jpg

    I’ve found out that after the update all the tax setting were deleted, I’ve reintegrated them, now it work properly

    • This reply was modified 3 weeks, 4 days ago by dydimus89.
    Plugin Support ckadenge (woo-hc)


    Hi there @dydimus89,

    Thanks for getting back with further details on this. Looking at the shared screenshots, all seems to have been set correctly from your backend.

    I’ve found out that after the update all the tax setting were deleted, I’ve reintegrated them, now it work properly

    Glad to hear it – thanks for letting us know!

    I’ll mark this thread as resolved now. If you have any further questions, I recommend creating a new thread.

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