• Dazzathedrummer



    I’m looking to write a website to promote my services as a musician and I’m going to base my design on something like this…..


    I’m pretty good with HTML and php, I’ve created basic dynamic sites before from scratch and im hoping that by using WordPress it will mean that I have better flexibility and I won’t have to write a back end.

    Using the above website as an example, presumably I just have to create or modify a theme to give me the layout that I want with CSS and then populate each box of info with a php query that is set to pull in a relevant post?

    Im just asking if this is right for what I want before I go ahead and learn a bit more about CSS and WordPress.



    [ moderated, link fixed. ]

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  • Thread Starter Dazzathedrummer


    For some reason I couldn’t get the link to work properly – I’ll add HTML to my list of things to brush up on haha!

    Unfortunately, the linked page is down currently and just shows a maintenance page

    But based on your description, WP is great for the job

    If you can create or modify a theme to match your needs, you have a great head start

    The content handling can be done many ways, queries works, post types, sort by custom taxonomies, etc

    So yeah, it’ll work out – once you get a feel for how WP works, and what you can do, you should have no trouble!

    Thread Starter Dazzathedrummer


    Thanks for the response – I’ve been digging around and got to a point where I’m faced with a few decisions before I make a start…..

    Given that I’m aiming at developing a ‘website’ style site that uses wordpress for CMS (as opposed to a ‘blog’ style site), i’m not sure if I should…

    a, Create a fully independent website and populate it with query includes from the wordpress db.
    b, Pick a theme that I like the look of and edit it if need be.
    c, create a totally blank theme and write a site around it.

    I guess option ‘a’ would be the most work intensive and would bypass a lot of the wordpress functionality – I would simply be using WP as a sql database.

    Option ‘b’ would probably get me going quicker, but, for a decent site I would probably have to fork out for a premium theme – and I would have to manipulate it myself to get a unique feel or just leave it as is.

    Option ‘c’ I guess, would give me the benefits of total WP functionality, but I would have to get to grips with WP coding.

    What do people generally do?



    Options b or c.

    for a decent site I would probably have to fork out for a premium theme

    Not necessarily. If you are prepared to carry out some tweaking, then a decent free theme should be all that you need to get started.

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