• Because I’m not sure, I title this as a question. I’ve noticed many query errors into the PHP log where there is references to the table alias “bsq_users”. I believe that this prefix “bsq” (Better Search Query?) belongs to this plugin so that’s why I’m posting it here. If it’s not the case, I apologize in advance for the misunderstanding.

    The place where I’m seeing the errors are when saving any post. It’s not into the frontend but when operating into the admin board. And the errors says: “database error syntax error, unexpected ‘)’, expecting $end for query“. So this sould be a bad builded query into the source code.

    Kind regards,

    • This topic was modified 3 months, 3 weeks ago by fidoboy.
Viewing 6 replies - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)
  • Plugin Author Ajay


    The bsq is actually the prefix of your database. It’s been custom set to be bsq instead of wp.

    But you are right on there being a bad query. With the error above are you getting a reference to a file? That might help track down the error source.

    Thread Starter fidoboy


    Yes, you are right. That’s why I used the word “alias” because it’s an aliased name for a dynamic query, not a real database table name. The issue is that I was not sure about if it’s an alias being used by Better Search plugin or not. If it’s, then there is possibly a bug when constructing the query because a missing parenthesis

    Plugin Author Ajay


    Can you tell me the settings you have in the Search tab related to what all you are searching. Do you have the full error from the log?

    Thread Starter fidoboy


    Thread Starter fidoboy


    I can’t reproduce it right now and unfortunately I deleted the log. But the error contains only the message that I’ve posted before and the built SQL query

    Plugin Author Ajay



    Been digging through my code – I definitely have bsq_users when you turn on the Search Authors features – which I see you have there. I’ll try to replicate this at my end as well and hopefully be able to fix this if I can replicate it.

    I do find it weird that it is showing up in the backend, because the plugin only works in the frontend currently.

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