• Resolved jhione


    Is anyone using Connections with Elementor?

    I inserted the block “Connections: Entry Categories” from the “WordPress” section of blocks.

    When editing the block I only get “Title” with a data box. I figured the data box was to type in (no drop down or list of categories to choose from) tried entering in one of my categories and saved. When viewing the page no entries in the category show up.

    I can use the WordPress default editor, but it sometimes breaks theme styles if i keep switching back and forth between default and Elementor.

    Any help is appreciated. Thank you.

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  • Plugin Author Steven


    RE: Is anyone using Connections with Elementor?

    Presently there are no know incompatibilities.

    RE: I inserted the block “Connections: Entry Categories” from the “WordPress” section of blocks. … When viewing the page no entries in the category show up.

    That is a Connections Widget. This widget will only display content on the entry detail/profile page. The content this widget displays are the categories attached to the current entry being viewed. This is why you see no content when you add the widget to the Elementor page layout.

    I’ll first describe how this would be used in a classic WordPress theme with a widget sidebar to illustrate its function then I’ll explain how you can achieve a similar result with Elementor.

    Classic WordPress theme:

    • Follow the instructions to embed the directory on a page.
    • Navigate to the WordPress Widgets admin page.
    • Place the Connection Entry Caetgories Widget into the theme’s sidebar.
    • Navigate to the page where you embedded the directory.
    • Click an entry name in the directory.
    • The paqge will relaod displaying the entry detail/profile view of the active Connections template.
    • The Connections Entry widget in the theme sidebar will display the categories attached to the Entry (assuming you assigned any when creating the entry).

    Elementor page:

    • Create an Elementor page with two columns. Make one column wide and the other narrow to mimic a classic WP theme with a sidebar.
    • Add the [connections] shortcode to the content of the wide column.
    • Add the Connections Entry Category block to the narrow column.
    • Navigate to the page where you embedded the directory.
    • Click an entry name in the directory.
    • The paqge will relaod displaying the entry detail/profile view of the active Connections template.
    • The Connections Entry widget in the theme sidebar will display the categories attached to the Entry (assuming you assigned any when creating the entry).

    I hope this clearly explains who to use the Connections Entry Categories widget. Please let me know.

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