• Resolved kytango


    Hi, I have the Recaptcha keys from Google and checked the box for Invisible Recaptcha on WPForms. However, after filling out the fields in the form and pressing Submit, I get an error:
    – Form has not been submitted, please see the errors below.
    – reCAPTCHA is required.

    How can I fix this?

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  • I have the same error. Recaptcha does not load unless user refreshes the page. I disabled cache and same problem. Seems not many threads receive responses in here. Have you found any alternative plugins I’m looking to switch today.

    Thread Starter kytango


    Hi James,

    I apologize if you weren’t able to find the answers you were looking for on existing threads. We do respond to every thread in this forum, however support for our free plugin typically replies in 1-3 business days — which is most likely why you could encounter some threads that haven’t been answered yet.

    For this particular thread, we helped kytango out over in the other thread they shared 🙂

    Based on your description, it sounds most likely that your site is running a theme that delays/alters the loading of reCAPTCHA’s scripts. This can cause the same error that kytango saw in that other thread, but would have a different cause
    — and so generally a different solution.

    If you would please share the URL where a form with this issue is embedded, though, we can take a closer look and suggest next steps.


    Plugin Support Ethan Choi


    Hi James,

    We haven’t heard from you in about a week, so I’m going to go ahead and close this thread for now. But if you’d like us to assist, please feel welcome to continue the conversation (please just see my post above).

    Thanks! 🙂

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