• Resolved sjk0123



    I installed the plugin, and the products sync just fine.
    But the inventory does not..
    – Woocommerce inventory is showing as 0 in Zettle
    – If you change inventory in Zettle, the mutation is made in Woocommerce, but the inventory is not the same. (eg. WC inv is 100 pieces, Zettle is 10, but changed to 50. WC inv is then 140)
    – If you then make a change in the WC stock, it seems like the correct stock is shown in Zettle too.
    – If a sale is made in Zettle, the inventory is changed in WC correctly (which makes sense with the example given above)

    Is there a solution for this bug?
    Thanks in advance.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support Syde Joost


    Hello @sjk0123

    Thank you for reaching out to us, we are here to help.

    With the information you provided I am not able to confirm or deny that there is an issue, but I could explain the logic behind stock changes and then you might be able to make sense of it yourself.

    The stock count is set up differently when you look at it from the 2 directions. Let me explain the logic per direction:

    • From WooCommerce to Zettle: The stock number is copied exactly. The number you enter in WooCommerce side is what is being copied to the Zettle product stock number.
    • The difference in stock number is copied: In order to avoid an issue by a sync change on both sides at the same time, this direction is done to copy the difference from Zettle to WooCommerce. So for example, when 2 items of a product are being sold, the tool will send “-2” to the WooCommerce stock.

    Having said this, this could sometimes give unexpected results. We then also advise to only update the WooCommerce stock numbers when you are doing any type of corrections. This way, the stock will be updated correctly, and you have the smallest chance that the stock will be incorrectly reflected.

    Please let me know if this explained what you are seeing, or give me some examples of what happened if this is still not explaining the situation you have encountered.

    Kind regards,

    Plugin Support Syde Joost



    Since we did not receive any response or follow-up questions from you, we will assume you got this working to your requirements. If you still have any more questions for us, please open a new thread, because we will mark this one as resolved.

    Kind regards,

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