• Resolved Noor Alam


    Please fix this invalid AMP markup in wprm-comment-rating.

    <input … onclick="WPRecipeMaker.rating.onClick(this)" …>

    There is no checkbox or even a filter to turn this off.

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  • Plugin Author Brecht


    What AMP plugin are you using? The ones I recently tested don’t output the comment form, so this code wouldn’t be there either.

    Thread Starter Noor Alam


    @brechtvds, https://wordpress.org/plugins/amp/

    The error comes from “/wp-recipe-maker/templates/public/comment-rating-form.php” (Line 48, 51, 54, 57, 60, 63). I have edited the file and removed the onclick event code for now. But I don’t want to do this manually after every update.

    I have the “Comment Ratings” option enabled in the plugin settings (WP Recipe Maker > Settings > Star Ratings).

    Plugin Author Brecht


    I did test that plugin and they automatically remove those onclick attributes, making the page valid. Is that not the case for you?

    Thread Starter Noor Alam


    @brechtvds, Yes it does. But it’s still a validation error that should be fixed in the recipe plugin. The AMP plugin keeps reminding of it on every page load.

    If you don’t want to add a checkbox there should at least be a filter to turn it off.

    Plugin Author Brecht


    Just wanted to clarify that the markup is actually valid. The plugin is AMP compatible and because of the way the comment ratings were built they even function without that JS that gets stripped on AMP pages.

    If I’m not mistaken you can mark those warnings the AMP plugin gives as being reviewed, and it doesn’t show those anymore. But sure, I’ll look into not outputting them in the first place to prevent them from showing up.

    Plugin Author Brecht


    Hi again,

    I wanted to let you know we just released WP Recipe Maker 7.1.0 which should automatically remove these onclicks on AMP pages.

    Thread Starter Noor Alam


    @brechtvds, Thank you for the update 🙂

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