• Resolved helmi



    I basically like the plugin. Unfortunately it doesn’t seem to be made to work well outside of the Netherlands. Some buttons and fields seem to be NL only – even in the frontend. I also don’t understand the website unfortunately 🙂

    Apart from that it’s great.

    One question: Is it possible to prefill the fields through the URL? I’d like to send my customer individual links for payment where the Amount and other fields are prefilled. So is it possible to use GET parameters in the URL to prefill the fields? If not this would be great.


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  • Plugin Contributor davdebcom


    Hi Helmi!

    Thanks for your message! I already sent you the beta where that text is translated to English (and translatable to other languages). If you find anything else in Dutch, please let me know, it’s my goal to make sure everything can fall back to English.

    Yes, that’s possible, just implemented that in the beta. I haven’t been able to write the manual just yet because of that, but I’ll explain it here.

    Add [paytium_links /] to your form as in the below example, and then add the parameters in the URL with exactly the same name as the labels. Don’t use a hash # in the labels.


    In English that page says:

    You can fill fields in a form automatically with information and start paying immediately. This is done with a URL. In the URL, you enter the names of the fields (exact) and with an = sign you add the value you want to fill in the field.

    Do not use hash # in your labels, because this does not work in a URL.

    Is that what you have in mind?

    Kind regards

    Thread Starter helmi


    Thanks that basically is exactly what I have in mind, unfortunately it doesn’t work with the Beta you have sent. [paytium_links /] just doesn’t get parsed at all. Maybe it’s not yet in that version?


    Plugin Contributor davdebcom


    Should work, it’s the same version I’m running at the moment. Can you post your shortcode and URL/link here?

    Plugin Contributor davdebcom


    Hi helmi

    Can I assist? Any progress?

    Kind regards

    Thread Starter helmi


    Sorry for not getting back any quicker. Couldn’t make any progress so far. The site where I am currently testing on isn’t publicly accessible.

    Here’s the code i tested:

    [paytium name=”test” description=”Bestellung” button_label=”jetzt bezahlen”]
    [paytium_links /]
    [paytium_amount label=”Bestellbetrag” default=”” /]
    [paytium_field type=”text” label=”Name” required=”true” /]
    [paytium_field type=”email” label=”Email” required=”true” /]
    [paytium_total label=”Gesamt ” /]

    The URL was like domain.test/page-name?Bestellbetrag=499&Name=test&Email=test@test.de

    The thing is that “[paytium_links /]” is in the output so it doesn’t seem like it’s getting rendered at all. Am I missing something?

    Thanks for your great support!

    Plugin Contributor davdebcom


    First, it looks like your editor adds pretty ” but you need the straight ones. Use this code:

    [paytium name="test" description="Bestellung" button_label="jetzt bezahlen"]
    [paytium_links /]
    [paytium_amount label="Bestellbetrag" default="" /]
    [paytium_field type="text" label="Name" required="true" /]
    [paytium_field type="email" label="Email" required="true" /]
    [paytium_total label="Gesamt " /]

    The code [paytium_links /] should be shown indeed, are you using the latest beta which I sent you per email?

    Can you use “amount” instead of Bestellbetrag? I’ll update that in the manual.

    That works for me:

    Look forward to hearing from you,

    Kind regards

    Plugin Contributor davdebcom


    Hi Helmi

    I noticed I sent you the incorrect beta which did not include the new functionality for Paytium Links! My bad, please use this latest version:


    If you just want to fill the form use [paytium_links /], if you want to automatically redirect after filling the form use [paytium_links auto_redirect /].

    If you have any questions, feel free to ask!

    Kind regards

    Plugin Contributor davdebcom


    These updates and fixes have now been released in Paytium 1.5.1.

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