• Resolved Twiggs462


    I know that the FTP user of my site is working and being properly recognized, because when I access the site from the outside of my network using the DDNS domain. I am able to delete and reinstall plugins without any issues from the wordpress.com repository.

    If I purposely put in the incorrect password for this user when prompted – I would not arrive at the screenshot show in this post as it will tell me that it is incorrect. I also checked the permissions of the user on my NAS and do not see why the directory would be “unwriteable”. Again, the plugin installations and deletions work as intended.

    Any ideas why I am getting this error and cannot install the free license.

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  • Plugin Support wfpeter


    Hi @jamesderosa3gmailcom,

    Is this site a local environment or will you be hosting the site publicly from the Synology NAS? Try using an actual FTP client first to write something in the site root just to see if there are issues there. Plugin installations/deletions may be working, but those are in a different directory.

    Are the permissions for the web user (often www-root but I’m not sure in this case) set to no access, read/write, read only or custom on the root directory of the site? If custom, what are those?


    Thread Starter Twiggs462


    I had to make the NAS http user have writer permissions, not my actual user. I have it working now. Thanks.

    Plugin Support wfpeter


    Perfect! Glad to hear it, I’ll ensure I note this should a similar case come up in future.

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