• I have WordPress installed in the root directory of my site. I like how it is working in the root, except I am now wanting to insall a non-WP website in the root as well.

    The problem is that the application that I am using for this other site also runs of the basis of an index.php like WP.

    I know I can change WP to a subdirectory and have it run from there, but am wondering if there is a way to keep the WP Blog as is in the root and have it function along side this other application (maybe move the index only to a subfolder or otherwise work around this).

    I have access to Mod-Rewrite commands, but am stuck trying to figure this out. Please help with any advice.

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  • For sure you can NOT have two index.php files in one directory – not even in the root. You have to decide which application to move in a subfolder: WP or the other script.

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