• I’ve just upgraded from 1.2 to 1.5, and have always had my index.php file in the root (web) directory, rather than the wordpress directory, and never had any problems. Now with this upgrade, I’ve managed to set up a theme for my template, and it works with the index.php file that’s in my wordpress directory, but the index.php file in my root directory is now broken. I’m getting all kinds of “call to undefined function” errors. This is since I edited the file according to the upgrade instructions to get it to work with themes.

    I’d like to be able to keep my index.php file in my root directory, but have it link up to my new theme (and not give me a bunch of errors). What am I doing wrong?


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  • It seems now you have 3 index.php files…
    One in your root dir, one in the WP’s root and one in your theme. I think 2 should be enough 🙂
    If you want your blog to be seen at mysite.com/blog then the WP’s index (a.k.a. “short and sweet”) should be in the /blog directory – and every theme’s index in its own folder.
    If you want th blog to bi visible in your web root – move the WP’s short index there with the proper modification of the path. Also, don’t forget to adjust the 2 URIs in the Options > General.

    Thread Starter behooved


    that did the trick, thanks for your help!

    >>If you want th blog to bi visible in your web root – move the WP’s short index there with the proper modification of the path. Also, don’t forget to adjust the 2 URIs in the Options > General.<<

    What is WP’s short index? And can you tell me more abut how to adjust the”2 URLS i the Options> General tab????




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