• Resolved iacobustime


    I have seen that in the last updates, it is possible to incorporate images inside the article. Before renewing my license, I would like to know how it works. Is it after the h2, is it random, can you add several images, or just add one?
    Thank you very much.

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  • Plugin Author Alexandre Gaboriau


    Hi iacobustine.

    Yes you can add your image anywhere you want according to your tags. I think this image will let you understand possible options:

    So yes it’s possible to add your image after the first H2 if you want.

    Right now it’s only one image per post and per generation. But if you want to have multiple images, you could have multiple generations for each placement.

    Next improvements is the possibility to add multiple images with only one generation.


    Thread Starter iacobustime


    thanks !!!!

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