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  • Plugin Author JoomUnited



    Yes indeed the default theme is using BX Slider script too. Maybe our support can find a solution to that.

    Could you create an account on JoomUnited website, I’ll activate an access to support so we can take a look right at your website to fix that. It’s really important that we fix this for everyone 🙂

    Please proceed and give me your ID here, on this post.


    Thread Starter devisuonweb


    Thank you for your response.
    Account created with same id : devisuonweb

    Plugin Author JoomUnited


    OK great, the support access is activated on your account. Please drop us a ticket on the JoomUnited Support mentioning this post and we’ll take care of the problem.

    Thanks for reporting!

    Plugin Author JoomUnited



    This issue should have been fixed in our latest update.


    Thread Starter devisuonweb


    Thank you for your effective support.

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