• I’m encountering an issue with Ele custom skin and custom Skin PRO. They aren’t compatible with the new version of Elementor (3.20.3). After the upgrade, there’s a huge blank space on the post slider, and only the first three custom posts load.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • I have the same issue but rolling back Elementor hasn’t helped.

    Thread Starter anakdelgado


    I rolled back to 3.19.1 and it solved the issue for now

    I have the same issue. I really like this plugin but it’s frustrating the plugin hasn’t been updated in 2 years.

    Thread Starter anakdelgado


    It appears that the plugin has been abandoned. I’m exploring alternatives, I think Elementor PRO offers a new feature for creating custom designs for loop templates. I just need to find an option to turn it into a slider.

    I was able to rebuild my carousels using Elementor Pro Loop Carousel. I then created custom post types and advance custom fields for the slides on my carousel I was able to get the same look.

    Thread Starter anakdelgado


    Thank you!, I was able to replicate the same with the Loop Carousel widget

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