• Peter_Giardina


    Those who have a small site as I do are not given a fair shake when it comes to receiving support from OceanWP. Just because I do not need a premium support package I am penalized because I cannot submit a support ticket and receive assistance for my specific problem. Instead, I have just two options, to join their Facebook community or attempt to get some kind of answer at OceanWP’s WordPress Support Forum. The Facebook option might be O.K. for those who are on Facebook, but I do not use Facebook. So OceanWP eliminates 50% of their free support options for those who are not Facebook users.  Now I am down to one option — a ‘so called’ Support Forum. I say ‘so called’ because the phrase, Support Forum, is an oxymoron. Trying to receive assistance with a specific problem is practically impossible with a WP Support Forum. If a submission on one of these forums receives a reply it is likely something like, “I had the same problem and tried this …” Well, I’m sorry but that is not support. Support is supposed to come from an actual support person who is capable of providing assistance until your specific problem is resolved. Receiving a reply from another OceanWP user who had a similar problem is not support. Also, trying to find a forum submission with your exact problem which also includes an actual solution is nearly impossible. And in the off chance you should find such a submission it would be just your luck to find the submission is five or more years old. That solution is not likely to work for you since both the plugin in question and the WordPress platform have been updated umpteen times during the intervening years. In short, Support Forums are a complete waste of time. The result is that those of us who do not need to pay for a premium support package are left out in the cold. I believe every customer of a theme, plugin or platform such as WordPress deserves to have the means to receive support for specific problems from the company’s support team. Unfortunately, support systems that essentially offer no support for their ‘free’ users are becoming commonplace. This means a company’s support policy has to now be considered as a major factor in choosing which companies those of us who have small sites will do business with. I should have looked more closely at OceanWP’s support policy before choosing this theme for my site’s redesign. I will be a lot more careful in the future.

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  • Hi @peter_giardina,

    Your review is 100% inaccurate, biased and misleading, and solely based on your assumptions on how the support forum functions because you’ve had a not nice experience with other products (developers) and their level of support, but NOT ONCE did you ask for support for / from OceanWP.

    Whether you have a small or big website is totally irrelevant to us: unless you have a premium package, either products or support only, you can’t submit support tickets on our website. Goes for everyone.

    As for OceanWP, we provide the same level of support on both Facebook and this WordPress forum, so which one you’ll actually choose depends entirely on you.

    Obviously, you do have a WordPress forum account and you have been using it, but not once did you ask support question related to OceanWP, so there was never a chance for you to receive any reply similar to those you mentioned.

    The saddest thing is, you didn’t even bother looking at how our support forum operates. We do not know (and honestly do not care) how others operate here, we support all our users within the WordPress forum rules (you have to understand this place is not ours and we’re guests just as much as you are, so same rules apply to all of us).

    It is clear that not only you did not ask for our support, but you also do not understand how the WP forum operates, which is fine but at the same time can only bring confusion to anyone new to WordPress and reading your review which is untrue and unfair.

    Though, you can make things right for yourself for starters by posting about your problem here: https://wordpress.org/support/theme/oceanwp/

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