• Resolved moultrex


    Hello. Does your plugin support importing other file formats like .tiff, .pdf, ..csv etc? I tried to import them, it scanned them and then pressed import (without dry run) but they are not showing in the media library.

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  • Plugin Author erolsk8


    Hello @moultrex, yes, it should work. Did you get any errors while importing? Errors for individual files should appear right under file name in scanned list.


    Thread Starter moultrex


    No errors at all.

    At the console it says [Media Sync] [354] Successfully imported: <the slug name>

    I do not find even in the database these records anywhere.

    Thread Starter moultrex


    I think i found the problem. When the folder names are in non latin characters, for example Greek, it does not work correctly. Also the Greek media Titles are shown as url encoded string. Can you fix it please?

    Plugin Author erolsk8


    That’s strange because I tested it with many special characters in both directory and file names. But I didn’t try Greek ones 🙂

    Could you just share a few of those characters here? For both directory and that title (from file name I guess), so I can try it out when I find some time.

    In the meantime, you could try checking if your database collation supports those special characters.

    Thank you for detailed explanations.

    Thread Starter moultrex


    My database collation supports greek characters. When i upload a file to media library with greek chars, they are showing correctly to the media library.

    This is a screenshot of the file structure

    The text is

    - δοκιμαστικα αρχεία
    -- αρχείο 1.txt
    -- αρχείο 2.txt
    -- στατιστικά.txt

    When i try to import them, it imports only the first 2 with the names urlEncoded. I do not understand why the last file is not imported.

    Plugin Author erolsk8


    Hey @moultrex thanks for the great breakdown. Sorry for the delay, but there is now a new version 1.4.4 that will decode file names before saving.

    But I’m not sure why the 3rd one wasn’t imported, it did for me (with these exact names).

    Thread Starter moultrex


    Great now it works fine.

    Thank you very much!

    Plugin Author erolsk8


    Nice, I’m glad it works 🙂

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