• Resolved jazzu



    I’ve tried many sliders today and yours is the most promising.
    The only issue I’m having is that I want smaller images and smaller blocks overall.
    I added the woo_image=”false” to the shortcode, added the code to functions.php, just changed the ‘large’ to ‘thumbnail’, but the images are still the same size, just blurry.

    Any idea what I’m not doing right?

    Note that I also deleted the <?php, because it woulnd’t accept it, because it shows it as a mistake because of the <

    * Add this code on your theme functions.php file

    add_filter( ‘wpb_wps_product_archive_thumbnail_size’, ‘wpb_wps_product_archive_thumbnail_size_update’ );
    function wpb_wps_product_archive_thumbnail_size_update( $size ){

    $size = ‘thumbnail’; // your image size

    return $size;

    Thank you!

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  • Plugin Author WPBean



    Thanks for using this plugin and good to know you liked it.

    I just updated this plugin and added the image_size parameter for the shortcode. Now you can change the image size of the slider directly from the shortcode.

    Please update the plugin to your site and remove the code from your theme functions.php file.

    After that use the image_size parameter in the shortcode like this-
    [wpb-product-slider woo_image="false" image_size="thumbnail"]

    And add this CSS code to your site-

    .wpb-woo-products-slider .wpb-wps-slider-item img {
        width: auto!important;

    It should fix your issue, Let me know the update.


    Thread Starter jazzu


    Hi, @wpbean !

    Thank you for your fast response. The problem I had has been fixed.

    Now I noticed a problem that I didn’t have before – In Slider settings, I have Slider Navigation checked so it should display, but it doesn’t. I tried all settings, so I’m wondering if it’s some issue with CSS or something else?

    And another thing – where can I edit the autoplay speed and the sliding speed?

    Thank you for your time!

    Plugin Author WPBean



    Good to know it fixed the first issue.

    Make sure your slider has more items than the number of columns. If the number of items in the slider is more than the column number and still the navigation not showing, please give me your site URL. I will check it.

    The autoplay speed feature is not available in the free version. It’s one of the features of the premium version of this plugin.


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