• Resolved jscreativelab


    When I use a masonry gallery to display my images, they appear stacked on top of each other instead of side-by-side when WP-Optimize is activated. I’m wondering which setting in WP-Optimize could be causing this.

    When it is deactivate the problem isn’t here… so it is from WP Optimize. But what? (sry for my bad english I am from Switzerland)

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter jscreativelab


    in this moment the plugin is deactivate but its look like this https://1drv.ms/i/s!AtJxCMvA1TDgpv0DeNZX2tgbhFE21w?e=0cba6g

    • This reply was modified 6 months, 3 weeks ago by jscreativelab.
    Plugin Support pbevanudp



    Please could you temporarily turn any caching off and reactivate WP-Optimize. Afterward, go to WP-Optimize >> Enable Minify and disable it. Does the display issue still persist?

    Thread Starter jscreativelab


    Thank you for the answer. Your approach actually worked. My problem is that I wanted to use WP Optimize only for the Minify function to clean up my CSS / Java Script files.

    What do I do now, since this function must not be activated for me?

    Plugin Support pbevanudp



    We can try excluding the file responsible for the layout of the grid.

    It appears that the container style for the image gallery is in this style sheet


    With caching off and minification back on – can you try excluding it by pasting the above value into:

    WP-Optimize >> Minify >> CSS >> Exclude the following CSS files from processing

    and then click Save settings and retest.

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