
    Hi, Images are not showing, I have tried an external Rss-feeds like https://waterkant.net/feed and my own website https://info-suriname.com/feed. As you can see the RSS of my own website shows feature images, bud the feed of waterkant.net and a few other newswebsites also doesn’t show them. I made a test post to show you what I mean:https://info-suriname.com/test-feedzy-rss/

    A other question I have, when I click on a RSS feed item I will be redirect to the page of the author, bud I would like visitors to stay on my site and see and read the post there. An example of what I mean you can see on the next sites : https://www.worldofwp.com/, on the following site you see that they have multiple import of feeds, also the one I tried to import waterkant.net: https://surinamenieuwscentrale.com/ . I must be doing something wrong bud I can’t figure out what maybe you can help.

    Regards Willem

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Contributor contactashish13


    Please don’t create multiple thread with the same topic or this will be considered as spam.

    I’m closing this ticket.

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