• I just did a migration from one WordPress website to another in a different domain. Everything seemed to go smoothly. However, when I went into the website, images were not displaying. There seemed to be two problems:

    1) Almost all images in the media library were blank; just a few were present.

    2) Links to images from my posts, etc. had a mysterious “i0.wp.com/” inserted between the “https://” and the new domain name in its URL. I had no idea what i0.wp.com might be, but when I googled it, I found a web page that said that:

    “Those URLs are from Photon, our image acceleration and editing service for WordPress.com and Jetpack-connected WordPress sites.”


    I’m working on trying to fix this, but you may want to investigate how you can handle those links in the future.

    Any suggestions as to the best way to fix this?



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  • Thread Starter bryanhiggs


    Well, I failed to fix the images on the new site (actual media contents, and references to images).

    So, I tried again with JetPack image acceleration disabled on the source website. That got rid of the i0.wp.com style prefixes, but the media images still didn’t go through (most are just blank), and the image references are mostly still blank.

    I’ve spent a lot of time on this, with no fix in sight.

    After a little while to recoup my energy, I think I will reset the target website using the WP Reset plugin, clear the image files from the uploads folder, and then try again to use Migrate Guru.

    I’d really appreciate some ideas/suggestions here, because I’m finding that Migrate Guru isn’t working for me, at least for this website, and it’s very frustrating.

    Thanks, in advance.

    Thread Starter bryanhiggs


    By the way, if it helps, in the choice on your website, I chose the CPanel option.

    Thread Starter bryanhiggs


    Well, I tried doing a WordPress reset, using the WP Reset plugin, on the target website before trying to do a migrate with Migrate Guru, and removed all the upload folders for images.

    It still didn’t work. The media library shows a large number of empty squares, with a small number of actual images. The upload folders are there, with the appropriate image files present, but when I try to display any of those images directly, the browser says 404 Not Found.

    Any ideas?

    Thread Starter bryanhiggs


    Support for my target website came up with the reason (and solution!) for this. I’m telling you this in the hopes that Migrate Guru might take this into account in future versions. It would certainly have saved me a lot of pulled out hair!

    They found a .htaccess file in the uploads folder that, at the top, says:

    ### Generated by Dreamhost. DO NOT modify!!! ###

    But then, the rest of the contents have to do with WebP Express, a plugin that I was using, but I think it may have been created by DreamHost when I first created the site. I certainly don’t remember choosing it myself. (Or maybe I did choose it when I was trying to figure out how to use .webp images in my website; I don’t remember) https://wordpress.org/plugins/webp-express/

    Once they renamed the file to .htaccess-bak, all my images magically were visible.

    A Happy and Safe New Year to you all!

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