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  • Plugin Author Mateusz Gbiorczyk


    Hi @anyakom66,

    Thank you for your message. I am sorry you have encountered a problem with our plugin. Do not worry, I will try to help you.

    I want to see what might have gone wrong. Could you send me a screenshot of the Help Center tab in the plugin’s settings? I will check it because in this tab I have information about the status of your website.


    Thread Starter anyakom66


    Hi Mateusz,

    Please can you provide email where I can send you screenshots.

    Thank you,


    Plugin Author Mateusz Gbiorczyk


    @anyakom66 hello(at)

    Thread Starter anyakom66


    Thank you,

    I sent all screenshots.


    Plugin Author Mateusz Gbiorczyk


    @anyakom66 Thank you very much! From what I can see, in the plugin settings, at the top, you should see a server configuration error. Please read it and follow the instructions there.

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