• Hi, two problems have appeared in my installation:

    1. It’s not possible to upload listing images anymore, though it worked a couple of days ago.
    2. In the editing mode custom fields (checkboxes) appear with a scrollbar. That was different too recently.

    I don’t know wether i have changed relevant settings or a update has lead to that. Any idea?

    Thank you.

    Regards, Harry

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  • Plugin Author pluginsware



    Regarding the upload issue, please submit a ticket on our site https://pluginsware.com/submit-a-ticket/ where our tech team will check and update you.

    Regarding the checkbox, yes, we have done changes in our latest version.


    Thread Starter harryman7


    Hi, thank you and happy new year!

    I have created a ticket regarding the upload issue.

    Regarding the check box scrollbar issue: Is there any possibility to remove the scrollbars. Reason: When there are many options the user doesn’t have an overview; he is forced to scroll all the time, becaus the options are not all visible. Thank you.

    Regards, Harry

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