• jvreij


    From version 1.8.13 onwards there is a little misalignment with image info in lightbox. You will see the info moving a little to the left leaving a black stripe at the right side. I’m still using version 1.8.12 which does not show that problem

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support Yasin Abedi


    Hi @jvreij ,

    Thank you for posting your issue in our forum.
    As we could not reproduce any issue on our end, I would need to ask you to update to the latest version and if you were still seeing the issue, kindly let us know so we could investigate on the page.

    Looking forward to hearing from you.

    Best Regards,

    Thread Starter jvreij


    Hello Yasin

    I have just updated to the latest version and you will see the shifted text and small black vertical line.

    Have to say that the problem does occur at a lot of my website pages but not at all.

    Plugin Support Yasin Abedi


    Thank you for your quick reply.
    If you are referring to this black line I have marked here(the scroll bar), I also noticed it on the previous version

    May I please have a screenshot of this gallery settings
    And theme -> this gallery view section ?

    Looking forward to hearing from you.

    Best Regards,

    Thread Starter jvreij


    Sorry for late reaction

    I’m using fluida theme

    and settings in gallery are:

    Thread Starter jvreij


    And image click settings are

    Thread Starter jvreij


    And indeed I see still the issue as you indicated. Note that the whole text is shifted to the lift a bit as well. The black line is text background I suppose.

    Plugin Support Yasin Abedi


    Hi @jvreij ,

    Thank you very much for your patience and sorry it took a bit longer than expected to get back to you.
    Our team confirmed that that is indeed the scroll bar, and as there is no pre-defined option to remove it, you can use a custom CSS, such as this one

    .mCSB_scrollTools .mCSB_dragger {
    display: none !important;

    Let me know if this helped!
    Best Regards,

    Thread Starter jvreij


    Hello Yasin

    I appreciate all the work, however the problem is actually not solved. It is true that you don’t see the black line because the scrollTools aren’t displayed any more. But the text is still shifted. Actually, if you look carefully and quick, you see the text written and hen shift a bit to the left. It does not do it on all my pages. compare:




    In 1st page text remains at right, in 2nd page it moves a bit to the left

    If it is the scroll bar: why is it on one page and not on the other?

    Number of lines is not the cause as you see in:


    It has 4 lines and has the shifted text problem

    with version 1.8.12 are all 3 pages OK. in version 1.8.13 the problem initially occurs

    best regards, Joost

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