• Hi all,

    I just installed your plugin and, once I tried to verify the output with GTMetrix, I noticed this alert:

    The following resources have identical contents, but are served from different URLs. Serve these resources from a consistent URL to save 1 request(s) and 532.3KiB.

    So, it seems as the plugin doubled the images: one scaled and one original.
    Do you think it could be considered as an issue? How can I solve it?

    Thank you in advance for your kind response.


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  • Plugin Author Takis Bouyouris


    Alight, if it is not too much trouble, please leave the plugin enabled and give me a couple of hours to check it myself and see if I can dig deeper into it. I think I will be able to trace it now. 🙂

    Plugin Author Takis Bouyouris


    Hello, Jocelyn,

    I finally got round to do the checks. In GTmetrix https://gtmetrix.com/reports/www.recensione.biz/66PQ7eeC it seems that the double images is not detected any more! I believe this is good. However I insist that one should use this tool with caution. For instance in the same test above in GTmetrix you get 57% in Pagespeed but 86% in YSlow.

    What is most problematic, according to Pagespeed, is the fact that you use some images which are shrinked too much (the “Serve scaled images” part). It refers to images in areas like “Compare & Buy” and “Post recenti”. There, one sees some pretty small thumbnails, but behind the scenes these thumbnails are not actually very small. Of course, this is not an Adaptive Images issue. It is more of a CSS/theme issue. Also, in my mind, it is not much of an issue after all, because this is how responsive images work. That is why the website gets a much greater score in YSlow!

    Additionally, I have made another test here http://www.webpagetest.org/result/150821_8D_1730/, which is quite more technical, if you can follow it, but it confirms all the above.

    Let me know if there is anything more I can help with!


    Plugin Author Takis Bouyouris


    PS: The reason that my tests in GTmetrix were different than yours must have been due to caching somewhere, as fas as I can tell…

    Thread Starter jocelyn72s


    I don’t know. I still have the issue:

    The following resources have identical contents, but are served from different URLs. Serve these resources from a consistent URL to save 1 request(s) and 339.9KiB.

    Thank however for your kind support.

    Thread Starter jocelyn72s


    Yet another consideration: I see the doubled image issue in GTMetrix only with the mobile test, not with the desktop.

    Plugin Author Takis Bouyouris


    Don’t mention it, I love this! 🙂

    Well, the thing is that I cannot get GTmetrix to show me the problem. This is what I get: https://gtmetrix.com/reports/www.recensione.biz/xW7MEOwx/. Can you show me your test somehow?

    What you see has only one explanation. That image is the only image that has enough milliseconds to start downloading in its original size. But it does not actually download! However GTmetrix reports it there. But I still cannot explain why I do not see it in my own tests in GTmetrix.

    Thread Starter jocelyn72s


    Plugin Author Takis Bouyouris


    Thank you for the update Jocelyn!

    I see what you are saying and I am going to investigate this further! Do you have a paid GTmetrix account, by the way? Because the free GTmetrix service does not provide testing with mobile devices, as fas as I know.

    Meanwhile, I would really advise to focus on the other optimization options that the GTmetrix suggests. You can have some huge gains there, too! I see that there is a lot to be done! One easy thing is minifying CSS and Javascript files (ie use plugin BWP Minify). Also, it is very simple to avoid using PNGs like http://www.recensione.biz/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Synology-Diskstation-ds214play-tre-quarti-800×500.png which is 330KB and convert them to JPGs like http://postimg.org/image/r3b5vtek1/ which is only 28KB! That is unless your PNGs have transparency.

    Now, I will take a deeper look into the issue. I have a suspicion that the tool reports that the images are downloading twice but this does not really happen actually. I’ll keep you posted! 🙂


    Thread Starter jocelyn72s


    Even the free account offers check using Chrome for mobile phones with Google Nexus emulation.
    I use WP Smush to optimize images.
    moreover I use Cloudflare to minify JS, HTML and CSS but maybe the result is not so good… :-/

    Thank you again,

    Plugin Author Takis Bouyouris


    Aah, I did not have an account in GTmetrix up to now. You are right, it has mobile testing once you get an account! As a -hardcore- developer I always promoted Webpagetest.org instead…

    CloudFlare does not combine your CSS/JS files in one! This is the most important thing. Minification is good, but not as important as combining files in one. You will see huge improvements with such a plugin.

    You will also see huge improvements if you use JPGs instead of PNGs, it is really worth it, trust me!

    Now, I believe the duplicate images is a false alarm in Pagespeed. The plugin does allow the images to be referenced twice, but only momentarily, it does not actually download them twice. I believe GTmetrix is being a little too strict in its theories here. If the images were downloaded twice that would be wrong of course. But they are not! They are only referenced twice. I would have to get too technical on Javascript and the DOM to explain this, but I would be happy to do it if you like!

    See the -almost- same test in http://www.webpagetest.org/result/150824_E1_WVA/1/details/. The images are not downloaded twice. If you check the timeline in this test you will see that your biggest problems are big PNGs and the too many different CSS/JS files. I wish I could stress this enough…


    Plugin Author Takis Bouyouris


    (To be more precise, in the test above, http://www.webpagetest.org/result/150824_E1_WVA/1/details/, in the waterfall view, I am talking about the requests 1-36, 50-51, 63-68.)

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