• Resolved cybnex


    What a wonderful plugin. Wish I knew about it a month ago or so.

    I’m not a very good coder and am trying to use an IF statement. The help/examples on http://www.wpallimport.com/documentation/advanced/if-statements/ and elsewhere on the web haven’t been helpful enough for me.

    I’m trying to hide some content if a cell is empty. For instance below; if any of the below cells; tuotemerkki/ean/sap are empty then that whole line should be hidden.

    Tuotemerkki: {tuotemerkki[1]}
    EAN-numero: {ean[1]}
    SAP-numero: {sap[1]}

    Thanks in advance.

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  • Plugin Author WP All Import


    Hi @cybnex

    Sure, you can do this like so:

    [IF({tuotemerkki[1][.=""]})][ELSE]Tuotemerkki: {tuotemerkki[1]}[ENDIF]<br>
    [IF({ean[1][.=""]})][ELSE]EAN-numero: {ean[1]}[ENDIF]<br>
    [IF({sap[1][.=""]})][ELSE]SAP-numero: {sap[1]}[ENDIF]
    Thread Starter cybnex


    Thanks a million!

    I actually re-read your documentation and realized that by myself. Yeahh, this plugin sure beats entering in stuff by hand 😀

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