• Hey There,

    I am trying to fins a solution which checks if a post is in a category or a child of it.

    Basically, I want to display some text using a command which does something like ‘If this post is in $ category, or is in a child of it, do this’.

    I know how to use if(in_category('2') { to see if the post is in a certain category, but am unsure of how to do this so it includes children aswell.

    Any help would be most appreciated.

    Many Thanks in Advance,
    Oliver Beattie

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  • Thread Starter obeattie



    Put this in a hacks or plugin file. Then just do <?php if (in_category_recursive_up(24)) {

    It works by first checking the categories that they post has for a match. It then takes each category and “digs up” (basically asking each one, “who’s your daddy?”) until it either runs out of categories (false) or finds a match (true). I haven’t tested it too much, but initial tests indicate that it works.

    function in_category_recursive_up($cat_id=0) {
    if ( !is_single() )
    return false;
    $cats = get_the_category();
    if ( !count($cats) ) // error: no cats defined!
    return false;
    foreach ( (array) $cats as $cat ) {
    if ( $cat->cat_ID == $cat_id ) { // match!
    return true;

    if ( in_category_dig_parents($cat->category_parent, $cat_id) )
    return true;
    return false;

    function in_category_dig_parents($cat_id, $look_for) {
    if ( !$cat_id )
    return false;
    if ( $cat_id == $look_for )
    return true;
    $cat = get_category($cat_id);
    return in_category_dig_parents($cat->category_parent, $look_for);

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