• Resolved oneill78


    I want to create a table with 4 <td> and display the result in column 1 if the value entered is “beginner”, in column 2 if the value of the field is “junior, etc.”
    How can I do with the template pods [IF] [/ IF]?
    [if level == ‘junior’] {@level} [/ if] does not seem to work.

    Thank you in advance for your help.


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  • Plugin Contributor Jim True


    The IF Template Tag does not support conditional matches. It only checks to see if there is a value in the field.

    You cannot do this with the Pods Templates; you’d need to use PHP.

    Plugin Contributor Jim True


    Or just use the actual value ‘beginner’ as your field for ‘level’. The goal is to design your data so it stores what you need. If Level is a Taxonomy, you can add a field to ‘level’ that could store your additional ‘value’ needs like ‘Beginner’ instead of ‘Junior’.

    Thread Starter oneill78


    Thank you Jim.

    I use DIVI template with a child theme.
    My pods is called “evaluation” and I want to display the results in a single page template.
    Do I have to create an “evaluation.php” page in my child theme (or single-evaluation.php) ?
    is there a simple template for building this page and I can insert my table with my 4 <td> ?
    I know php but not yet very well the functions of wordpress or that of pods. I looked at the documentation but I do not know what to choose.

    Thank you in advance for your help.

    Plugin Contributor Jim True


    Use the Template Hierarchy for reference:

    It’s never named the same as the post-type, it’s always single-<post-type>.php or archive-<post-type>.php

    You have to recreate your html in the PHP. That’s not a WordPress function, that’s just PHP output.

    Each loop through is a row.

    Thread Starter oneill78


    Thank you Jim for you help,

    I was able to create the single-evaluation.php file and create the html and php directly in my child theme.

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