• [if exists]{PARAM}[show]The first parameter was passed
    [else]The first parameter wasn't passed[/if]

    the else only works correct if i send as [myshortcode param=""]

    if i just use [myshortcode] then [if exists] returns true.

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  • Thread Starter codemonkeynorth


    i found a workaround for now:

    [if check={PARAM} value="{PARAM}"]
    param not passed

    essentially if the param isn’t passed in the shortcode then {PARAM} just equates to the literal string "{PARAM}" so it means it hasn’t parsed it to something else

    Thread Starter codemonkeynorth


    above doesn’t seem to work anymore

    anybody know a way to check if a param wasn’t passed?


    Thread Starter codemonkeynorth


    found another temporary workaround, for anybody awaiting a fix:

    [myshortcode param="foo"]

    [if exists][format split="{}" part=2]{PARAM}[/format][show]
    param was not passed
    param was passed as {PARAM}

    what the format split does is create the literal string “PARAM” if no param is passed, or creates a blank string if a param *was* passed, since there are no {} brackets to split on due to it being parsed to an actual value

    Thread Starter codemonkeynorth


    i found why my original workaround failed in some cases

    [if check={PARAM} value="{PARAM}"]
    param not passed

    if param does not contain a space it doesn’t work

    [myshortcode param="foo"] shows “param not passed”
    [myshortcode param="foo bar"] shows “foo bar”

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