• amca01


    I have two questions:

    • I have created two categories. I have set them up very similarly – the only difference is their names, and the colours I’ve chose for them. However, one of them consistently shows a black background – and I don’t know how to change it. I’m assuming that this category, somehow, is picking up settings from elsewhere – but where? How can I ensure the background is the color I want (white)?
    • The descriptions of my events consists of a picture, and some text. It makes sense for the text to be next to the pictures. I can do this easily by setting up an HTML table in the Text version of the Description editor. But this site eventually will be run by people who I can’t assume will have any coding skills. How can I more easily add a table in the Description of an event? The editor doesn’t include any table functions.

    Thank you very much!

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  • Thread Starter amca01


    I solved my second question by installing the Advanced Editor plugin. But I still don’t know about the first.

    Plugin Author Joe Dolson


    Can you share a link?

    Thread Starter amca01


    Thanks for replying! I can’t share a link as I’m doing all this work locally, using WordPress Local, and I don’t want to upload it yet, as I am trying to modify a site which is already up for inspection (I’m doing this for a community group). But it’s very odd. I can’t find any setting which would cause a black background. However, I’m attaching a screenshot of the categories I’ve set up. No matter what I do – I’ve tried deleting and recreating; I’ve tried creating a new category – the background stays obstinately black.

    I’ve tried a little experiment. If I choose in turn, and then save the setting, of “Hide category colors”, the icons are shown black on white. If I then choose “Title background color”, the color extends across both columns, but for this one the icon – no matter what I choose – is black against the background, instead of white. Then if I go back to “Title text color”, the background for this last category goes black.

    STOP PRESS! I think I’ve discovered the problem. The green I chose must have triggered a thresholding function to display the text against it as black instead of white. If I choose a darker green, for example #33a53c, then the icon is shown in color on a white background.

    Sorry to waste your time! By the way, I’m loving “My Calendar”. I don’t want to spend any money as the community group (a Hindu temple) doesn’t have much of it, and in any case the website would be fairly far down in their list of priorities. But the free version seems to do everything I want, and do that neatly and well. This calendar is just for display – we don’t need logins, expressions of interest, ticketing etc.

    • This reply was modified 1 month ago by amca01. Reason: Needed to add more information
    Plugin Author Joe Dolson


    Yes, the complimentary colors to the chosen category color are automatically toggled between black and white depending on what will yield the better color contrast. So yeah, you’ve probably nailed it!

    If you’re enjoying the plugin, giving a review is always appreciated! No obligation, of course.

    Thread Starter amca01


    Yes, I will!

    As an extra note – I see you play baroque violin. Nice! I play viola da gamba myself, and I’m the current secretary of the Australian Viola da Gamba Society. These days I seem to do less playing and more music typesetting, trying to make modern playing editions of 17th century music.

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