• Resolved lumarkasina


    I just installed and configurated the free version to become familiar with the plugin. I have activated the instagram icon to be shown beneath posts. Yet it isn’t displayed. Same applies for the insta icon. They are all configured to be shown beneath posts. Pretty weired is, that despite configuring it all, the icons in general are not shown but instead those lame bars with just the configured text. I wonder: Where are the icons meant to be displayed?

    It’s all a bit confusing at the moment, what with having nice stylish icons in the config and being served frontend with bars instead.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author socialdude


    You selected the bar-icons after posts under question 3 in the plugin. That’s a different setting. If you want to show the round icons (which you selected under question 1) after posts, then please use this plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/ultimate-social-media-plus/.

    Thread Starter lumarkasina


    @socialdude Thank you, it works as I wanted it!

    Plugin Author socialdude


    Cool! 🙂



    If the round icons aren’t really available in this plug in, then you shouldn’t display them in the interface. Why??? At best, it’s a waste of my time trying to figure that out; at worst, deceitful.

    Plugin Author socialdude


    @janajanasnydercom Of course they are available. How did you come to the conclusion they are not?

    We’re happy to assist – please open a new thread so that we can look at your issue.



    I came to the conclusion that they’re not available based on your answer to lumarkasina, above.

    I now realize the round icons will appear in widgets, but not (as far as I can tell) at the bottom of posts. I feel this could be better clarified in the sales copy (and in the set-up instructions).

    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by Jana.
    Plugin Author socialdude


    Same answer as above: showing round icons after posts is possible in this plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/ultimate-social-media-plus/

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