• Resolved Albert Calzada


    With the previous version of the plugin, I could customize the cookie banner message, with html tags (div, strong, …) and thus customize everything in detail.

    but with version 3, the html tags are printed in the message as text.
    How can i fix this? any hook or script that allows to change that behavior?

    attached capture.
    Thank you

    screenshot: https://capture.dropbox.com/J2Gb81hpHXzTxqCT

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  • Plugin Author WebToffee


    Hi @calzbert

    Greetings, we’re delighted to assist you!

    We made a lot of enhancements with the introduction of the new plugin interface. With the redesigned interface, we hope to make it much easier for users to configure plugins.

    Contrary to our previous version, banner customization no longer requires the use of shortcodes and HTML tags inside the message box.

    This will make it possible for someone who is not well-versed in HTML coding to setup the banner with ease. We’ve received requests from users who unknowingly removed div components from message box of the plugin settings, while updating the content inside of them. Because this resulted in improper display of the banner.

    So it is better to not include HTML tags inside the message box in order to address the aforementioned problem and simplify things for our users. The HTML tags are not necessary to setup the banner. Please let us know if you experience any setup difficulties. We’ll help you with it.

    Thread Starter Albert Calzada


    thanks for your reply.
    I totally agree with everything you have raised. I find it perfect that now HTML is not necessary to generate “columns” inside the banner.
    but, if for example I want to make a part of the message bold or italy…, I can’t do it!
    it doesn’t allow me to add html tags.

    I understand that it is not mandatory to make a structure with html and that each field is already defined.
    but what I need is that you enable within the message field, that (if someone wants) you can write html tags.
    perhaps an option that can be enabled, for “advanced users”.

    Otherwise, for professionals it will be very difficult for us to customize the cookie banner according to the design requirements of our clients.

    maybe there is a way to modify the “templates” of the banners by ftp (custom code) directly in the php ?

    Thank you

    Plugin Support CookieYes Team


    Hi @calzbert,

    We are still trying to address some of the issues that our plugin users brought up after the introduction of the latest version.

    We will gladly take your suggestions into consideration and begin working on a resolution.

    Thank You!

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