• Resolved nisto2016



    I would like to setup as “Conversation error message” something like “Sorry, a mistake happened. Please reload the site or send us an e-mail” – this is possible but unfortunately not to link the word “e-mail” with an email-HTML-Hyperlink like “e-mail.

    Is there any other possibility to add a link into this “conversation error message”? E.g. link to a contact page?

    Thank you very much in advance for your kind support,
    best regards

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author intelahelp


    Hello @nisto2016.
    You can add a hyperlink to your email using the HTML code:

    Sorry, a mistake happened. Please reload the site or send us an <a href="mailto:email@gmail.com">e-mail</a>

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by intelahelp.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by intelahelp.
    Thread Starter nisto2016


    Thank you very much for your kind support. Unfortunately the HTML-Code seems not to work on my site.
    I entered as Text
    Sorry, leider ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte lade die Seite neu oder kontaktiere uns per <a href="mailto:recipent@info.de">E-Mail</a>

    After pasting this text in your settings the field text gets shorten and beside the field the end is displayed. Difficult to describe, here is the link to a short video about it how it looks like:

    Only in case I paste the same message without HTML-Code the e-mail-Adresse gets linked automatically (but without the “Subject” I wanted also to transmit in my HTML-Code).

    Did I something wrong?

    Thank you very much in advance again and best regards

    Plugin Author intelahelp


    Hello @nisto2016.

    We know about the incorrect display of HTML code in the error message and have already begun to eliminate it. But this does not affect the display of this answer in the chatbot window.

    Thread Starter nisto2016


    Thank you very much for your reply.

    Perfect that you work on resolving this issue. So I will wait until this works.
    Until then I will not use HTML-Code within this error message but just use the text format there (and here just mention my e-mail-address in text format as well).

    Thanks very much again and best regards

    Plugin Author intelahelp


    Hello @nisto2016.
    We released the new version of plugin (0.8.28) that has the fix to your issue. Please update your plugin to the latest version and let us know if the issue persists.

    Thread Starter nisto2016


    Thank you very much for letting me know. Sounds great 🙂
    I just implemented the html-code for the e-mail-address but could not test it so far because no error occurred :-).
    Or do you have an idea how I can test the error message?
    But it should work I guess 🙂

    Thanks again and best regards

    Plugin Author intelahelp


    Hi Nicola (@nisto2016).

    Unfortunately there is no way to cause an error from the chatbox page or admin panel. To validate your error message, this error must have occurred on the server.

    If you have more questions, don’t hesitate to ask them.

    Thread Starter nisto2016


    Thank you, no problem, it should work now and will help us very much, perfect support 🙂

    Best regards and have a nice week,

    Plugin Author intelahelp


    Thank you very much.

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