• I have my WP folder in a subdirectory. Consequently, I need to have my .htaccess file in the root. What is the procedure here? Will WP find it if I just move the file into the root or do I have to do some magick?

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  • I’m a newbie so I hope this is an appropriate place for the post…I uploaded WP 2.0 per instructions and set up…the current config = http://www.myurl.com/wordpress/blog title page. I want http://www.myurl.com As my index page. How do I change things in the server?

    Thank you,



    I believe that you have to have the .htaccess in the root folder of where you’ve put the main index.php file. I’ve put all my files under /blog but the index.php file is in the “parent” directory and that’s where I’ve put the .htaccess as well.

    Thread Starter fabriz




    Do you have an index.html file in your root as well? I’ve read here that those two conflict with each other.
    Did you just move the files after installing and things worked?

    “An .htaccess file is simply a text file containing Apache directives. Those directives apply to the documents in the directory where the .htaccess file is located, and to all subdirectories under it as well. Other .htaccess files in subdirectories may change or nullify the effects of those in parent directories “

    I have a root htaccess and a wp htaccess.

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