• Resolved Aharon


    I really love this plugin and I am now using Search Regex 3.0.

    Is there a way I can use it to search and replace text in a specific Post Type. For example: text found in just the Excerpt, or just the Title, or just the Slug, without modifying any matching text in the Content.

    Is that doable through the form interface or is it only possible with a custom query? (If it’s only possible with a custom query, is such an example documented anywhere?)

    Thank you!

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  • Plugin Author John Godley


    Excerpts, titles, and slugs are not post types but just data stored in a post. And yes, you can modify that data without modifying the content.

    The documentation is still a work in progress, but you can use ‘modify matches’ to specify exactly what is to be replaced:


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